Σάββατο 2 Μαΐου 2009

Eyedarts - reference - example

This is a player of Panathinaikos interviewed after the end of the semifinal game of the 2009 finalfour. As I was watching it I noticed that his stare was shifting from one place to the other. Especially around the end of the interview his eyes go nuts! I thought it was a very good example for referencing eyedarts. I asked myself whether its possible to animate the eyes of a character with so many eyedarts and not to seem strange. Then I tried to think what this character may be feeling after this particular game. His team had one the opponent team for only 2 points... Generally it was a very intense game from the beginning to the end. So I thought he might be still stressed from what was happening for the last 1 and half hours in his life. Apart from that he is in a stadium so there are many things/people that could attract his attention. In animation this kind of eye movement could be applied in a character where he feels very uncomfortable or maybe very alert with his environment. Although the rhythm and the density of the eyedarts of this example may end up in a very noisy animation. So we allways need to think what to take and what to leave out of reference. Never copy reality! Just reference it :)

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